We, the LA Band Booster’s and LA Band Members, are coming to ask for your support. Your help will allow us to meet the growing needs of the band program.
The approximate cost to fully operate the Band Program is estimated at $54,000.00 per year. The LA Band Program is very active in regional and state music festivals: Marching Band Festivals and Contests, Concert Performance Assessments, Parades, and special events. The LA Band Boosters currently raise the the majority of the funds needed to operate the band program. The Boosters are only able to raise approximately one third of our needed budget. The band program receives $1000.00 per year from the board of education and as you can see that is only a fraction of what is needed to fully fund the band program. Between fundraising and the booster’s concession stand during the football season we struggle to even meet this portion of the cost involved for the band program.
We are asking for your help to ease the burden of the hard working students and parents (booster’s) through your support.
Students involved in school music programs as well as other school activities are often the ones who generally stay out of trouble, become good or even better students and have a higher success rate than those who don’t get involved in any programs or activities.
The definition of a “supporter” is – one who is an upholder, maintainer, sustainer, adherent advocate, patron, ally, endorser, and pillar of strength. This support is given from the heart. The definition of a “volunteer” is – one who enters into or offers themselves for any service of their own free will. The Music Programs at L.A. are looking for a few good supporters/volunteers to help in reaching our fullest potential.
Support can come in many different forms: Through donating your time, energy, money, or services. Ways you can do this are:
Get involved by helping at a game or come to a competition.
Make a donation to help pay for much needed instrument repairs or in the form of a scholarship for a student who needs help in paying their band fees.
Donate your services – cooking for the kids, helping with a bake sale, etc..
The band program never turns a student away because they can’t afford the cost and or just lack the finances. Every student is a vital part of the Band Program and they need yours and the communities support, standing behind them.
If you would like to become a supporter, please contact Mr. Greg Dingwall, Director or any Band Booster. We truly appreciate your time and attention, thank you for your help.
All the Best,
Gregory S. Dingwall, Director (931) 823-5911 x292
LA Band Boosters;
Mrs. Jenny Story – President (931) 261-0233
Mrs. Melissa Arnold – Vice President (503) 798-5180
Ms. Michelle Weitzel – Secretary (931) 319-5944
Mrs. Amber Johnson – Treasurer (936) 402-4811
Ms. Michelle Weitzel – Concessions Coordinator (931) 319-5944
LA Band Support Form
LA Band Donation Receipt
Donations can be made directly to the LA Band and/ or LA Band Boosters at :
LA Band
Livingston Academy
120 Melvin Johnson Dr.
Livingston, TN 38570 - 8242